Creekside Oaks
Creekside Oaks is a subdivision of 7 high-end lots for luxury homes.

Creekside Oak Estates is a subdivision under development in Alhambra Valley, an area south of Martinez which is in the process of being annexed by the City. The entitlement and development process for the subdivision is anticipated to be complete by 2015. The subdivision consists of 7 lots which vary in size, shape and topography. As the infrastructure is completed and the subdivision entitlements perfected, custom homes will be designed and constructed on the lots. The lots are currently vacant; no homes have yet been built in the subdivision.

Most of the development at Creekside Oaks was completed by John Curtis. To discuss doing business with Mr. Curtis, you may contact him via email by clicking here.

If you are already doing business with Mr. Curtis, please click here.












Creekside Oak Estates is an unfinished subdivision under development in Martinez, California.

  Copyright © 2011   J. D. Curtis